43221 - Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

43221 - Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Monday, 7 March 2011

Aperture Pictures

The aperture on the camera acts simplar to shutter speed, but it as a hole within the lens that grows and shrinks depending on the setting. The bigger the hole is the more light is let into the camera, the smaller the hole, the less light is entered into the camera. But this can also alter the Depth of Field. Depth of field is the amount of picture that is in focus. if you have a shallow depth of field, then there isnt much of the picture in focus apart from the subject, if you have a deep depth of field, there is alot of the picture in focus including the subject.

The link between the aperture and the depth of field is that the bigger the aperture, the shallower the Depth of Field. the smaller the aperture, the deeper the Depth of Field.

Aperture is measured in a numerical value known as an F-stop. most cameras can handle f-stop 3.5-30. The smaller the number, the bigger the appeture. so f-stop 3.5 is a larger aperture, a big hole and a shallow depth of field, and f-stop 30 is a small aperture, a small whole, and a deep depth of field.

Here are some example images:




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