43221 - Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

43221 - Queen Elizabeth Sixth Form College

Monday 11 April 2011

Skills Development

Here are some of my own images that I have used to develop my skills throughout the course. I have taken quite a few different images, but have chosen some of the best ones to put in my Blog.

Here i have taken a picture of the dripping tap. I like this image, as it is well lit, and it has a lack of depth of field, which makes the drip and the tap stand out from the rest of the image.

This is a picture of a mate of mine doing some bike trials. I Took this image and also photoshopped it. I like this image because of the diagonals, it produces and adds more energy to the image. I cut the bike and the person out of the background and placed him onto a separate layer, added a soft outer glow, and blurred the background a little bit more to add more Vibranceto the image.

The above image was taken in my back garden. again, I have slightly manipulated the colour and brightness/contrast of the image, and also added a slight vignette on the corners. I also like this image because of the colour variance and the the Diagonal.

This image was taken under a tree, so the image captured dappled shadows. I like this image, again i have manipulated the colour to give it a bit more vibrance, and I added the vignette to the corners once again. And it is on a diagonal, which adds more energy to it.

Photos with lines in always appeal to me. as you can see there is a line carried out throughout the image. Again i have manipulated the colour, contrast, brightness, and saturation to give more vibrance to the image. I also added a little bit of vignetting to the corners.

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